Monday, July 6, 2009

Aye, Chihuahua!

I know I haven't blogged in a long time, but I had to get this down before I forgot to do it. This is an excerpt from a conversation sparked by some dog stickers this morning.

Lane: "I want to get a chihuahua, and I want it to be a boy. I want him to be a boy so I can name him 'Chucky'."

Me: "Chucky the Chihuahua?"

Lane: "No, not that. Not that kind of a name. I'm going to name him 'Chucky Barnes'."

Me: "Chucky Barnes? Why's that?"

Lane: "Cause that's just a good kind of name for a chihuahua. Chucky. Chucky Barnes."

...blah...blah...blah...I mention I'd get a girl chihuahua and name her "Chintzy". Lane liked that, but he still would name a boy "Chucky"....

Lane: "I like the name 'Chucky' because it's short and snappy!"

OK. So, when and where did he learn to talk like an 80-year old?