Friday, October 17, 2008

How To: Drawing Stuff...

Play Photoshop Tennis - wikiHow

Play Photoshop Tennis - wikiHow

Southern or Red Neck?

While reviewing Lane's school work from the week with him, I usually learn SOMETHING. Today was no different. The following are what I learned from his Weekly Reader:

A discussion question at the bottom of the page prompted me to ask,
"Where might you find a pumpkin?"
L: "a pumpkin patch" (He has a field trip to one next week & is so excited!)
Me: "Where else?"
L: "Wal*Mart"
I have to say that I was unsure if this was okay with me or not! Although we rarely shop at Wal*Mart, my child apparently thinks that's where people go to get everything!

The end of these weekly hand-outs always has a fill-in-the-blank word or phrase applying to a letter they learned ("P") and the topic for that week. This week was Pumpkin Pie. So Lane goes into an explanation about how red necks say it like this, "punkin pi" (You know... "pi" sounds like it has a stretched out version of a short "a" sound.) not "pumpkin pie" (which he enunciates VERY correctly for me - I'm sure Mrs. Stacey is so proud!). Then I told Lane his Uncle Kevin would make fun of him for saying it correctly because my brother has always picked on me for correct pronunciation of words. When we're together, I think he sits in wait for me to say "ten" so he can repeat it just like I said it... the proper way!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lovin' Me Some Einstein!

I love Albert Einstein! Wow! Check out the very insightful and thought provoking quotes in the YouTube video I have added to my blog sidebar>>>>>>>
You may have to pause each frame to have time to read each quote shown. You also may have to think about a few of them for a minute. The more I learn about him, the better I see his sense of humor that encourages his intellect. He seems to really have a grip on who he is and who he is with respect to others, the world and to God. Wow!

FYI/BTW, I'm going to post this same entry to my AndiCastleberry blog. Oh yeah, and my facebook has the video, too. :o)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Halloween

This morning, while I was finishing those last-minute tasks before darting out the door to school, Lane decided to "decorate for Halloween" in our den. He found a roll of toilet paper I forgot to carry into the downstairs bathroom. I think I left it at the top of the stairs - so I wouldn't forget it, of course. I'm not sure who taught him how, but he rolled the family room. I know he threw the roll, too, because I found dust bunnies from the ceiling fan lying around. Knothead!

Then there's always the Knothead I married. I guess he was playing with my camera and took some random photos. Maybe it was Lane. I doubt I'll ever know for sure.


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Conversation ALL the way home from Sam's Club:

Reed: "Moon! Moon! Moon! Daddy, moon! Moon! Moon! Jump! Daddy, cow! Moon! Cow jump! Moon! Moon! Look! Moon! Moon. Moon...Moon! Daddy, moon! Moon mama. Look. Moon...Moon! Moon! Moon! Moon, Daddy, moon!" (repeat, repeat, repeat)

Big Weirdo

The short story:
Brad opens door.
Lane: "Hey! I thought you were a big weirdo!"

The full story:
While sitting in the Sam's Club parking lot tonight, Lane didn't understand why I wasn't rolling the windows down all the way while we waited for Brad to come back with our "treasures". He wasn't going to let it go, so I told him it isn't safe to sit in your car in a big parking lot in the dark with your windows all the way down. L: "Why?" Me: "Because that way a big weirdo can't just reach in and grab you right out of the car." 10 minutes later...Brad knocks on the back window wanting me to unlock it for him. When he opened the tailgate, Lane said, "Hey! I thought you were a big weirdo!"

Friday, October 10, 2008

Blowing Kisses

So, yesterday after school, I took the boys to get a haircut. Since we were hungry, we went to Pasquales Pizza afterward. As typical, Lane chose to befriend the young college-ish age girl working at the register. He picked out a booth next to the counter where his new friend had to sit. When I walked to the table with our drinks, he was already at it. In times like these, I always feel the need to go ahead and post a disclaimer about anything that may happen or be said in the following 30 minutes while we patron their establishment. I went ahead and said, "Prepare to be entertained." Of course, they were not dissapointed.

After the eating adventure was over, we were headed to the car. At least he made his daddy proud with his good taste...Lane had to go back to the store window and blow the pretty blonde girl a kiss.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


That is exactly what has happened to my old blog name! Wow! Somebody's using it to promote "knock-off hand bags for terrorism". I know! I don't understand, either!

So, as you see, THIS is just the type of thing that happens to a knot head. You never know what's waiting around the proverbial corner of the next moment. Could be a nice friend ahead of you in the Starbucks drive-thru who pays for your order; Could be a terrorist fake-selling cheap, fake "stripper" hand bags in YOUR good name. I guess Forrest's mamma was right. What a wise woman.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Robot Parade

The boys and I found this VERY cute video today while searching for different make-your-own robot costumes. Now they won't stop singing this song!!!!

Robot Parade from Jared Foster on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ok! Ok! Ok! I hear you!

To my DEAR friends, I am now going to try this again. How many times have I been taunted for slacking off on my blog? I've lost count.

Just to catch you up on a few of the many things that have happened since March, I'll make a list. I'm sure I'll think of more things you've missed in the next few days, so this is an ongoing list. If you need more info on each incident, leave a comment/question.

1) Lane feels sorry for Satan, so he wants to pray for him to stop being bad so that he (Satan) can one day go back to heaven. He immediately begins to pray for Satan in the car on the way to church one Wednesday night. He wants Satan to receive salvation! Have you ever been humbled to tears by a child?
2) We got to see the newborn giraffe at the zoo when she was just a day old. Our lucky day!
3) Ok, so we spent a LOT of time at the zoo this summer. I'm very thankful for the fountains at the children's zoo.
4) Both little guys took swimming lessons for the first time this summer. That became Lane's "new sport". Yeah, that didn't last too long. We didn't have much of a pool to swim in the rest of the summer. Reed thought he was big stuff jumping off the side of the pool. My arms had quite a workout from lifting him back up on the wall over and over and over.
5) Back to the zoo, we were able to stump the kangaroo keepers with Lane's question. "When does the mama kangaroo get her pouch?" Do you know the answer? She's born with it. Kangaroos...many unusual facts to be known there. Good times.
6) We adopted 3 tadpoles in August. We were able to watch them all become froglets and then full-blown tree frogs. After a bunch of research and learning everything to be known about tree frogs, I think they are squirrel tree frogs, kin to the green tree frog but smaller. They may grow to be 1.5 to 2-inches long and could live up to 5 or 10 or even 15 years. Well, two of them could. I'm sorry to say that The President of the United States of America (aka Frog #1) met an untimely death after a trip to school. But, let's not talk about that - especially to Lane. I think he still hasn't figured it out yet. More on frogs another day.

That's enough list for now. Anybody who has something I should mention, I'm taking requests.

What happened today? I had Biblical Theology this morning. I love my group! Awesome girls! We talked about God's grace from Ephesians. No, we don't have the RIGHT to talk to God or to get salvation and go to heaven. It's not a right we are born with. Quite the opposite! It is a PRIVALIGE that God even looks at us or thinks of us or doesn't just burn us all up to ashes the instant we sin. And then to think that he SAVES us from complete darkness and eternal damnation to the horrid place where pure evil resides! Thank you LORD for even my next breath! And thank you LORD for my salvation through Jesus Christ! Wow!

Gotta go. I'm not really able to identify the sound I just heard coming from downstairs, so I'd better go see what was just dumped out in the floor.....