Friday, October 17, 2008

Southern or Red Neck?

While reviewing Lane's school work from the week with him, I usually learn SOMETHING. Today was no different. The following are what I learned from his Weekly Reader:

A discussion question at the bottom of the page prompted me to ask,
"Where might you find a pumpkin?"
L: "a pumpkin patch" (He has a field trip to one next week & is so excited!)
Me: "Where else?"
L: "Wal*Mart"
I have to say that I was unsure if this was okay with me or not! Although we rarely shop at Wal*Mart, my child apparently thinks that's where people go to get everything!

The end of these weekly hand-outs always has a fill-in-the-blank word or phrase applying to a letter they learned ("P") and the topic for that week. This week was Pumpkin Pie. So Lane goes into an explanation about how red necks say it like this, "punkin pi" (You know... "pi" sounds like it has a stretched out version of a short "a" sound.) not "pumpkin pie" (which he enunciates VERY correctly for me - I'm sure Mrs. Stacey is so proud!). Then I told Lane his Uncle Kevin would make fun of him for saying it correctly because my brother has always picked on me for correct pronunciation of words. When we're together, I think he sits in wait for me to say "ten" so he can repeat it just like I said it... the proper way!